Sunday, November 1, 2009

Daddy lost the bet

If everything goes well, there should a new look to this blog of mine. But sadly, none of this is happening soon. What happened is that Mummy had a bet with Daddy that he has to come up with a new banner design by this weekend. If he loses the bet, he has to sleep early, like 1am, every night. On the surface, it doesn't seems that difficult to achieve but for Daddy it is definitely a tall order cos his usual sleeping time is like..... 3am, the earliest, or 4am. To get him to bed by 1am is quite impossible. Well, hope is free;p

As for Mummy, if she loses the bet, she will have forego her weekend sleep-in and wakes up at say, 9am. Looks like Mummy can have her beauty sleep afterall ;)

There must be lotsa distraction for Daddy to complete the task, so in the end, he lost the bet....let's see how he's gonna bluff his way out of this...hahaaha.

Don't look at me Daddy, Cotton is NOT going to help you out here.

Maybe Mummy should have more evil and up the ante if Daddy loses the bet: Daddy has to finish the Arnold Chicken's Carnival Meal all by himself ;) Next one perhaps

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